Annual Composite School Grant to TS Schools for 2018-2019, Guidelines for Utilization of Annual Composite School Grant, Guidelines for Utilization of funds. TS SSA Grants for TS Schools, SSA Grants for Telangana Schools, Grants Utilization Guidelines, Samagra Shiksha School Annual Grant utilization Guidelines , Samagra Shiksha Maintenance Grant utilization Guidelines, Guidelines on the utilization of Grants 2018-2019
Utilization of Grants
- Provisional of stationary i.e. chalk pieces, white papers, registers etc
- Utilizing grants to celebrate National Festivals
- Payment of Electricity Charges
- Repairs to computers, projector, K-Yan, TV,ROT
- Cable, Internet charges and other expenditure relating to digital classes
- Purchase of consumables in Labs
- Replacement and repairing of Laboratory equipment
- Minor repairs to doors, windows, flooring
- 10% of grants shall be utilized for swatchata program
- Purchasing of daily newspapers etc
General Guidelines
- The SMC shall make resolutions to utilize grants cm the above mentioned items and the resolutions shall. be maintained accordingly
- Social, audit shall be done by SMC on utilization of the grants.
- Stock and Issue Registers shall be maintained for the items procured and utilized.
- Expenditure and balance available shall be displayed on the notice board.
- Discussion on utilization of grants shall be conducted at monthly SMC meetings.
- Cash book and vouchers shall be maintained for all the transactions.
- Headmasters are responsible for utilization of grants as per guidelines at school level
- The DEO staff & DyE0 shall monitor the utilization of grants.