Automatic Advancement Scheme AAS, An automatic benefit/increment for those who were not able to get in time promotion, even though they were having Promotion Qualifications and Eligibility, but they are unable to get them due to non-availability of that promotion posts/vacancies is called AUTOMATIC ADVANCEMENT.
The AUTOMATIC ADVANCEMENT SCHEME(AAS) was introduced in PRC-1982. This has been introduced by state Government from 01-04-1981 by issuing orders vide G.O.Ms.No.117, Finance and Planning (FW.PRC-I) Department, date: 25-5-1981.
This scheme has been extended to the teachers working in the schools of
Government, Municipalities, Municipal Corporations, Zilla Parishads and
Panchayat Samithees and also Aided Management by issuing orders vide
G.O.Ms.No.164, Finance, and Planning (FW.P.R.C.-I) Department, date:
1-6-1982 & G.O.Ms.No.78, Finance and Planning (FW.P.R.C.–I) Department, date: 13-3-1984. AS per this scheme.
In PRC-1982: [10-15]:
In 1982, Those who were not able to get in time promotion within the period of 10 years even though they were having Promotion Qualifications and Eligibility, they were eligible to get scales
1) Special Grade Post Scale for those who were completed 10 years
2) SPPI Scale for those who were completed 15 years.
In PRC-1986: [10-15-22]:
In 1986 PRC, introduced & allowed SPP-II scale those who completed 22 years of service without promotion then AAS Scheme changed as follows
1) Special Grade Post Scale for those who were completed 10years
2) SPPI Scale for those who were completed 15 years.
3) SPP-II scale for those who completed 22years of service without promotion
In PRC-1993: [8-16-24]
In RPS-1993, new scales were introduced for the period 8, 16, 24 years instead of 10, 15, 22 years. then AAS Scheme changed as follows
1) Special Grade Post Scale for those who were completed 8years
2) SPPI Scale for those who were completed 16 years.
3) SPP-II scale for those who completed 24years of service without promotion
Note: Those who got AAS while in promotion they pay should be fixed in FR 22(a)(i) instead of FR22(B)
In PRC-1999: [8-16]
In RPS-1999 pay scales, the 24 years scale was cancelled and given one
additional increment in SPPI only , Those who completed their 45 years
of service were exempted from passing Departmental Test as per the GO Ms
NO:225 it:18-05-1999.
In PRC-2005:[8-16-25]
In RPS-2005, 24 years scale SPP-II restored and allowed FR-22(B) fixation those got promotion after they got 8, 16 Scales. But FR22(a)(i) pay scale fixation inevitable those who completed their 24 years of service. To get SPP-I and SPP-II scales must possess the qualifications as per the promotion post.
Clarificatory orders:
For rectification of anomaly of a junior drawing more pay than the senior
on getting the promotion to the higher post after getting the benefit of
Automatic Advancement Scheme whereas the senior was promoted to the
higher post without getting the benefit of the Automatic Advancement
Scheme. Thereafter, orders were issued from time to time modifying and
revising the Scheme based on the recommendations of the successive Pay
Revision Commissions.
In PRC-2010: {8-16-24]
If a junior got promotion after he/she availed AAS, sometimes he might get higher pay due to this when comparing with the senior. To avoid this kind of salary differences, the senior can avail Step-up facility with junior and get an equal salary. As per the new agreement with JAC the Government has taken decision to change the scales from 8, 16, 24 to 6, 12, 18, 24 Scales as per GO Ms No:96, Dt:20.05.2011. And it is force and implemented 01.02.2010.
Before 01.02.2010 the existing system of awarding Automatic Advancement Scheme are as follows:
1. Special Grade Scale
2. Special Promotion Post Scale-I/ Special Ad-hoc Promotion Post Scale-I
3. Special Promotion Post Scale-II / Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale-II
The existing system of awarding Automatic Advancement Scheme scales on completion of
1. Eight (8) years
2. Sixteen (16) years and
3. Twenty four (24) years
As per G.O.Ms.No. 96 Dated:20.05.2011, the existing system of awarding Automatic Advancement Scheme Has been changed to
1. Special Grade Scale
2. Special Promotion Post Scale-IA/ Special Ad-hoc Promotion Post Scale-IA
3. Special Promotion Post Scale-IB/ Special Ad-hoc Promotion Post Scale-IB
4. Special Promotion Post Scale-II / Special AdhocPromotion Post Scale-II
on completion of
1. Eight (6) years
2. Eight (12) years
3. Sixteen (18) years and
4. Twenty four (24) years
These orders will come into force w.e.f. 01.02.2010
Automatic Advancement Scheme(AAS) Detailed Explanation in RPS 2010 – Part-2:
Automatic Advancement Scheme(AAS) For AP and TS Employees – Detailed Explanation Of Automatic Advancement Scheme(Aas) In RPS-2010
I) Special Grade Post Scale (6 years): [SGP Scale 6 Years] – An employee on completion of 6 years of service in a particular post shall be appointed to the Special Grade Post Scale which is the next higher scale above the pay scale of the post he/she is holding. Special Promotion Post Scale-I is divided into two parts as “A” and “B”
II)Special Promotion Post Scale I-A (12 years): [SPP Scale I-A 12 Years] – An employee on completion of 12 years of service in a particular post shall be appointed to the Special PromotionPost Scale I-A. It carries the pay scale of the post next above the post held by him which happens to be the promotion post in the regular line as prescribed in the Service Rules.
For appointment to the Special Promotion Post Scale I-A he/she shall be fully qualified to hold that promotion post as prescribed in the Service Rules. In other words, such of the employees who have put in 12 years of service in one post without getting any promotion, shall be considered for appointment to Special Promotion Post Scale-I-A.
In case, the Service Rules do not provide for any promotion, the employee on completion of 12 years of service in a particular post shall be appointed to the Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale I-A which carries the next higher scale above the Special Grade Post Scale.
III) Special Promotion Post Scale I-B / Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale I-B (18 years) [SPP Scale I-B 18 Years]: An Employee on completion of 18 years service in a particular post, shall be allowed one increment in the Special Promotion Post Scale I-A or Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale I-A as the case may be, which shall be called Special Promotion Post Scale I-B / Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale I-B
Special Promotion Post Scale-II (24 years): [SPP Scale II 24 Years] –
(i) An employee, on completion of 24 years of service in a
particular post, shall be placed in the scale of the post applicable to the second level promotion post to the original post held by him. This is subject to the condition that he is fully qualified to be promoted to such promotion post as prescribed in service rules and also that such post should belong to the regular line and not outside the regular line. This scale shall be called Special Promotion Post Scale-II.
In other words, such of the employees who have put in 24 years of service in one post without getting any promotion, shall be considered for appointment to the Special Promotion Post Scale-II.
(ii) In case, the Service Rules do not provide for promotion at second level, the employee on completion of 24 years of service shall be placed in the scale of pay, next above the scale applicable to the Special Promotion Post Scale I-A. This Scale shall be called Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale-II.
(iii) In case, an employee holding a post for which there is no promotion post under relevant service rules, he shall be placed on completion of 24 years in the scale of pay next above the scale applicable to the SAPP-I B. This Scale shall be called Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale-II.
(iv) (a) The pay fixation on appointment to Special Grade / Special Promotion Post Scale-I-A/ Spl. Promotion Post-Scale-II/ Special Adhoc Promotion Post I-A and Special Adhoc Promotion Post II shall be under FR 22 (a) (i) read with F.R.31 (2).
(b) One increment shall be allowed in the existing scale on appointment to Special Promotion Post Scale I-B/ Special Adhoc Promotion Post Scale I-B
(c) In case of Promotions from the Special Grade and Special Promotion Post I A & I B, the pay shall be fixed under FR 22-B.
(d) In case of promotions from Special Promotion Post Scale-II, the pay shall be fixed under FR 22(a)(i) read with FR 31(2). the pay shall not be fixed under FR 22-B
IMPORTANT NOTE: The employees after availing the benefit of SPP II are not eligible for the Automatic Advancement Scheme on their further promotions.
In PRC-2015: The 10th Pay Revision(RPS-2015) Commission has opened that the scheme requires no further changes and it may be continued to be implemented as indicated below:
The existing Special Grade, SPP IA/ SAPP IA/ SPP IB/ SAPP IB/SPPII/SAPP-II may be continued with the
– Special Grade after 6 years,
– SPP-IA/SAPP-IA after 12 years,
– SPP-IB/SAPP-IB after 18 years and
– SPP-II/SAPP-II after 24 years.
Automatic Advancement Scheme(AAS) Detailed Explanation in RPS 2015 – Part-3:
Automatic Advancement Scheme(AAS) For AP and TS Employees – Detailed Explanation Of Automatic Advancement Scheme(AAS) In RPS-2015: (I) If service rules are amended prescribing additional qualifications for promotion the Commission recommends that the existing incumbents may be exempted from possession of such higher qualifications for appointment to Special Promotion posts under Automatic Advancement Grades
(II) The benefit of pay fixation under F.R.22-B be continued on promotion even if the employee had derived the benefit under SG or SPP I-A and SPP I-B and if this results in the senior drawing less pay than the junior, the pay of the senior be stepped up to that of the junior subject to the conditions enumerated in G.O.Ms. No.297, Fin. (PRC-I) Dept., dated: 25- 10-1983.
(III) Where service rules are relaxed to enable regular promotion, they should be automatically extended to the Automatic Advancement Scheme for purposes of extending the benefit of SPP-IA / SPP-II
(IV) In certain categories like Attender, Dafedar, Jamedar and Record Assistants or Roneo Operators, it was decided that the services rendered by them in these categories together shall be reckoned for purpose of Automatic Advancement Scheme. The commission recommended for continuation of this special dispensation
(V) The benefit of Automatic Advancement Scheme shall be continued up to and inclusive of Grade-XXV in the revised scales i.e., Rs.49870-100770.
(VI) The employees after availing the benefit of SPP-II are not eligible for the Automatic Advancement Scheme on their further promotions.
(VII) These orders shall be applicable to the Government employees, teaching and Non-teaching staff of Local Bodies and Aided Institutions drawing State Pay Scales and drawing the pay in Grade-I to Grade-XXV in the Revised Scales, 2015, ie. up to and including the pay scale of Rs.49870-100770
(VIII) The Scheme shall be deemed to have come into force on and from 01.07.2013.
(IX) The salary as per the pay fixation under this scheme in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 will be paid in cash from the month of March 2015, payable in April 2015. As regards the arrears of pay fixations as per the A. A. The scheme in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 from 02-06-2014 to 28-02-2015, orders will be issued separately.