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INSPIRE Awards- Manak Online Nominations, Registrations Guidelines, Action plan 2019-2020
INSPIRE AWARDS MANAK Online nominations, Registrations Guidelines and Action plan. Schools one time registrations and online nominations instructions, Inspire Schools registrations, Inspire awards Online nominations, Implementation of INSPIRE AWARDS MANAK Scheme. SCERT Telangana. MANAK INSPIRE Awards Scheme Online nominations, One time registrations 2019. Under INSPIRE Awards- Manak scheme, all recognized schools in the country (whether run by Central Government or State Government or local body or NGOs), including private schools (aided or unaided), having classes from 6th to 10th (whether all or some), are eligible to enroll in the scheme and submit nominations of eligible children to DST through their respective District / State education authorities on-line/ off-line. Before filing nominations on-line, the concerned schools will have to do a one-time registration process and obtain a permanent registration no. (Application No.) from their respective district authority.
The District Authorities should review the implementation of various Science and Mathematics related activities conducted at the school level and at the district level. The review also comprises of one time registration and online nominations of INSPIRE Awards Manak by the schools in the districts.
The date for online nomination for INSPIRE Awards MANAK is extended to August 31, 2019, for the year 2019-2020
GOI, DST, New Delhi has informed that the INSPIRE Award Scheme is being revamped under the name INSPIRE AWARDS - MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspiration and Knowledge) to align it with action plan for "Startup India" initiative launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India. JS also informed that, for this year, online nominations through E-Management of INSPIRE Award Scheme (E-MIAS) from 01-04-2019 to 31-08-2019. JS has also informed that submission of project synopsis (in word or PDF format) has now being made mandatory along with submission of online nominations. Registration of all unregistered schools at E-MIAS website (www.inspireawards-dst.gov.in) may also be got expedited so that they too can avail the benefit of the scheme.
All DEOs would bestow their personal attention towards registration of schools and online nominations' for Inspire awards which commenced from 1st April and ends on 31-08-2019. Certain guidelines and plan of Action has been prepared by Department of Mathematics and Sciences, SCERT for registering and online nominations of Inspire awards by the schools and also the conduct of various activities pertaining to Science and Mathematics at school level and at district level.
DEOs would send the action plan of respective district and measures taken for effective implementation of Inspire award scheme and on the following aspects to SCERT Office
✤ Registration and online nominations of INSPIRE AWARDS
✤ Nomination of DSOs (wherever not yet nominated)
✤ Status of District Science centres and District Science Museums
✤ Reorganization / opening of District Science centres and District Science museums
✤ Availability of funds for District Science Museums
✤ Submission of bills and vouchers related to Inspire award and reports pertaining to DLEPCs
✤ Constitution of DRGs in Maths and Sciences and other subjects
2. Complete your school one time registration OTR in above web site in school authority ...
( If already registered ignore OTR ,if forgot your password etc.,then only you create New OTR for your school)
3. After the approval of District authority..you get an email.
2. Submit students project or exhibit .
3. Along with synopsis in the form of pdf or word format.
Note: 1. Already OTR completed schools can directly fill nomination of their students.
2. All the schools can nominate their students for INSPIRE AWARDS 2016-17.
✸ Instructions to the School HM/ Science teachers to write the write up in English language in word form or Pdf form.
✸ To ensure the selection at the entry level, wider discussion with other teachers/experts/mentors may be considered on the write up prepared by the student and guide teacher. After thorough vetting of write-up, it may be uploaded in the official website of Inspire awards.
✸ For improvement of Quality Exhibits at district level, state level and to maximizes the chances of selection for top 60 exhibits at National level for National awards, the guide teachers and the students have to undergo the multiple rounds of interactive sessions with the subject experts, research institutes, higher education institutions available in the districts, or in the neighbouring districts for refinement of the project / exhibit. The DEOs and DSOs may take lead in arranging such interactive sessions at the district level. Further they may tag with any Institutes / Individuals for mentoring the project prepared by the students.
✸ The services of identified mentors by Department of Science and Technology, GOI located in Telangana State may also be utilized for refinement of projects/exhibits at different levels.
✸ At the District level, the DSO and the APO working in the DEO office may be entrusted to forward the application at the State level and to attend the enquiries of the teachers in the district with regard to INSPIRE nominations.
✸ An exclusive section may be allocated in the DEO office to monitor the Inspire programme and other Science & Mathematics activities in the district.
✸ The DEOs and DSOs shall evince keen interest, work with vision, a pragmatic long and short term approach in conduct of activities, competitions related to science and maths; Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyaan (RAA) programme at different levels in the district.
✸ The DSOs should be role model and should be resourceful enough to support and to guide the guide teachers and students in developing the exhibits and projects for Inspire awards and other activities.
✸ A calendar of mathematics and science activities shall be prepared at district level and shall be communicated to all schools within the district. A copy of the calendar of activities shall be communicated to SCERT by 15th January, 17. Similarly action plan may be prepared at district level and shall be submitted to SCERT by 8th of January, 2017 with respect to mobilization of schools for online nomination of Inspire awards in the district.
✸ The DEOs shall conduct bi-monthly review meetings with DSO, concerned sectoral officers of SSA & RMSA on progress of activities related to Mathematics and Science in the district including Inspire award scheme. The minutes of the meeting and decisions may be communicated to SCERT time to time.
✸ The DEOs are free to take decisions on effective implementation of the said activities, improvement in classroom processes in teaching of science and maths at all levels and improvement of academic performance in mathematics and sciences.
✸ As the appraisal system is weak in many districts, periodical bi-monthly reports shall be submitted to the SCERT on the activities of mathematics and science in the district.
✸ A plan may be drawn at the district level in conduct of National Science day on 28th February in the schools with various activities and also at different levels.
✸ It is observed that the District Science centres in the erstwhile districts are dysfunctional except in Karimnagar and Mahabubnagar. In this connection the DEOs are requested to examine the status of District Science centres in the district and take measures to re-activate the District science centres which were existing in the erstwhile districts as well as in the newly formed districts. Steps may be taken to identify the centres preferably in DIETs or is any other Government school/Aided school with good accommodation, accessibility and availability of lab facilities.
✸ The DEOs working in erstwhile districts are requested to trace the funds given under DPEP/SSA for establishment of Science museums in the district. The details of the funds shall be furnished to the SCERT by 15th January, 2017 for taking further course of action for establishment of museums in the districts.
✸ The DEOs shall take necessary steps for Constitution of District Resource Group (DRGs) in the districts in Mathematics and Sciences and in other subjects. In this regard a Press note may be given by respective DEOs inviting the Science Teachers to send their application along with the profile for constitution of DRG. A committee may be constituted at district level to short list the candidates and send the selected list to the SCERT for further screening. The entire process should be completed.
✸ Submission of bills and vouchers for the expenditure incurred for conduct and participation of DLEPC and SLEPC by respective DEOs shall be done immediately.
SCHOOL Level Online Nominations, Registrations:
A. One Time Registrations:
✪ Enter INSPIRE URL : www.inspireawards-dst.gov.in in any web browser
✪ Click on School Authority button
✪ Click on for one time registration
✪ Click online mode
✪ Fill in the relevant details in the page and fields marked with * are compulsory.
✪ Then click save and next
✪ You will get a unique application number to you mail ID after successful filling of the registration form.
✪ Remember of mail ID and password is must.
✪ click on forward for approval button
✪ Then click on to proceed.
✪ Please generate the acknowledgement for reference.
✪ Email notification will trigger to the mail address with your use ID and to create a password you will get a link (URL).
✪ With the copy & paste of link in new tab and set your password to login
✪ Then click save button
✪ The new password should be at least 6 characters including combination of alphabets and numeric.
✪ Those who are enrolling for first time for online registration, they have to remember the following aspects:
o ☞ Phone No. of the HM/Science teacher
o ☞ User ID
o ☞ Password.
o ☞ The above items should be recorded in the register or in the file meant for Inspire.
After registration, the guide teacher and the student should prepare the write up indicating the theme of the project/exhibit, aims and objective of the exhibit, working principle, conceptual frame work, functional value. The write up may be shared with other science teachers, subject experts available in neighbourhood areas. The idea is to have wider consultation for grooming the ideas and improving it. The write up may be made DTP in English language in the word or pdf form and may be uploaded in the website of Inspire awards.
✤ After setting the password go to home page and to login to click here
✤ Click icon forward nomination to DA
✤ Click on students nomination button
✤ Then open school dash board button
✤ After filling all the information the format press view & edit button if user wants to edit the particulars of the students.
✤ After editing click on forward application.
Note :
❁ students bank details are compulsory for DBT.
❁ Uploading students photo, Aadhar Number
❁ Uploading write-up in word or pdf format is mandatory.
Last date of submission of Student Nominations for Inspire Awards MANAK is 31-08-2019.
INSPIRE AWARDS MANAK Online nominations, Registrations Guidelines and Action plan. Schools one time registrations and online nominations instructions, Inspire Schools registrations, Inspire awards Online nominations, Implementation of INSPIRE AWARDS MANAK Scheme. SCERT Telangana. MANAK INSPIRE Awards Scheme Online nominations, One time registrations 2019. Under INSPIRE Awards- Manak scheme, all recognized schools in the country (whether run by Central Government or State Government or local body or NGOs), including private schools (aided or unaided), having classes from 6th to 10th (whether all or some), are eligible to enroll in the scheme and submit nominations of eligible children to DST through their respective District / State education authorities on-line/ off-line. Before filing nominations on-line, the concerned schools will have to do a one-time registration process and obtain a permanent registration no. (Application No.) from their respective district authority.
The last date to submit nominations for INSPIRE Awards - MANAK 2019-20 has been extended until 31st August 2019
The date for online nomination for INSPIRE Awards MANAK is extended to August 31, 2019, for the year 2019-2020
GOI, DST, New Delhi has informed that the INSPIRE Award Scheme is being revamped under the name INSPIRE AWARDS - MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspiration and Knowledge) to align it with action plan for "Startup India" initiative launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India. JS also informed that, for this year, online nominations through E-Management of INSPIRE Award Scheme (E-MIAS) from 01-04-2019 to 31-08-2019. JS has also informed that submission of project synopsis (in word or PDF format) has now being made mandatory along with submission of online nominations. Registration of all unregistered schools at E-MIAS website (www.inspireawards-dst.gov.in) may also be got expedited so that they too can avail the benefit of the scheme.
All DEOs would bestow their personal attention towards registration of schools and online nominations' for Inspire awards which commenced from 1st April and ends on 31-08-2019. Certain guidelines and plan of Action has been prepared by Department of Mathematics and Sciences, SCERT for registering and online nominations of Inspire awards by the schools and also the conduct of various activities pertaining to Science and Mathematics at school level and at district level.
DEOs would send the action plan of respective district and measures taken for effective implementation of Inspire award scheme and on the following aspects to SCERT Office
✤ Registration and online nominations of INSPIRE AWARDS
✤ Nomination of DSOs (wherever not yet nominated)
✤ Status of District Science centres and District Science Museums
✤ Reorganization / opening of District Science centres and District Science museums
✤ Availability of funds for District Science Museums
✤ Submission of bills and vouchers related to Inspire award and reports pertaining to DLEPCs
✤ Constitution of DRGs in Maths and Sciences and other subjects
Some useful points:
A. Nominate your school students for INSPIRE Awards 2019:
1. First visit the www.inspireawards-dst.gov.in website for School One time registration...2. Complete your school one time registration OTR in above web site in school authority ...
( If already registered ignore OTR ,if forgot your password etc.,then only you create New OTR for your school)
3. After the approval of District authority..you get an email.
B. Students nomination for INSPIRE Awards 2019:
1. UPS level 6th class one,7th class one and High schools 6th to 10th each class one nomination only.2. Submit students project or exhibit .
3. Along with synopsis in the form of pdf or word format.
Note: 1. Already OTR completed schools can directly fill nomination of their students.
2. All the schools can nominate their students for INSPIRE AWARDS 2016-17.
✸ Instructions to the School HM/ Science teachers to write the write up in English language in word form or Pdf form.
✸ To ensure the selection at the entry level, wider discussion with other teachers/experts/mentors may be considered on the write up prepared by the student and guide teacher. After thorough vetting of write-up, it may be uploaded in the official website of Inspire awards.
✸ For improvement of Quality Exhibits at district level, state level and to maximizes the chances of selection for top 60 exhibits at National level for National awards, the guide teachers and the students have to undergo the multiple rounds of interactive sessions with the subject experts, research institutes, higher education institutions available in the districts, or in the neighbouring districts for refinement of the project / exhibit. The DEOs and DSOs may take lead in arranging such interactive sessions at the district level. Further they may tag with any Institutes / Individuals for mentoring the project prepared by the students.
✸ The services of identified mentors by Department of Science and Technology, GOI located in Telangana State may also be utilized for refinement of projects/exhibits at different levels.
✸ At the District level, the DSO and the APO working in the DEO office may be entrusted to forward the application at the State level and to attend the enquiries of the teachers in the district with regard to INSPIRE nominations.
✸ An exclusive section may be allocated in the DEO office to monitor the Inspire programme and other Science & Mathematics activities in the district.
✸ The DEOs and DSOs shall evince keen interest, work with vision, a pragmatic long and short term approach in conduct of activities, competitions related to science and maths; Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyaan (RAA) programme at different levels in the district.
✸ The DSOs should be role model and should be resourceful enough to support and to guide the guide teachers and students in developing the exhibits and projects for Inspire awards and other activities.
✸ A calendar of mathematics and science activities shall be prepared at district level and shall be communicated to all schools within the district. A copy of the calendar of activities shall be communicated to SCERT by 15th January, 17. Similarly action plan may be prepared at district level and shall be submitted to SCERT by 8th of January, 2017 with respect to mobilization of schools for online nomination of Inspire awards in the district.
✸ The DEOs shall conduct bi-monthly review meetings with DSO, concerned sectoral officers of SSA & RMSA on progress of activities related to Mathematics and Science in the district including Inspire award scheme. The minutes of the meeting and decisions may be communicated to SCERT time to time.
✸ The DEOs are free to take decisions on effective implementation of the said activities, improvement in classroom processes in teaching of science and maths at all levels and improvement of academic performance in mathematics and sciences.
✸ As the appraisal system is weak in many districts, periodical bi-monthly reports shall be submitted to the SCERT on the activities of mathematics and science in the district.
✸ A plan may be drawn at the district level in conduct of National Science day on 28th February in the schools with various activities and also at different levels.
✸ It is observed that the District Science centres in the erstwhile districts are dysfunctional except in Karimnagar and Mahabubnagar. In this connection the DEOs are requested to examine the status of District Science centres in the district and take measures to re-activate the District science centres which were existing in the erstwhile districts as well as in the newly formed districts. Steps may be taken to identify the centres preferably in DIETs or is any other Government school/Aided school with good accommodation, accessibility and availability of lab facilities.
✸ The DEOs working in erstwhile districts are requested to trace the funds given under DPEP/SSA for establishment of Science museums in the district. The details of the funds shall be furnished to the SCERT by 15th January, 2017 for taking further course of action for establishment of museums in the districts.
✸ The DEOs shall take necessary steps for Constitution of District Resource Group (DRGs) in the districts in Mathematics and Sciences and in other subjects. In this regard a Press note may be given by respective DEOs inviting the Science Teachers to send their application along with the profile for constitution of DRG. A committee may be constituted at district level to short list the candidates and send the selected list to the SCERT for further screening. The entire process should be completed.
✸ Submission of bills and vouchers for the expenditure incurred for conduct and participation of DLEPC and SLEPC by respective DEOs shall be done immediately.
SCHOOL Level Online Nominations, Registrations:
A. One Time Registrations:
✪ Enter INSPIRE URL : www.inspireawards-dst.gov.in in any web browser
✪ Click on School Authority button
✪ Click on for one time registration
✪ Click online mode
✪ Fill in the relevant details in the page and fields marked with * are compulsory.
✪ Then click save and next
✪ You will get a unique application number to you mail ID after successful filling of the registration form.
✪ Remember of mail ID and password is must.
✪ click on forward for approval button
✪ Then click on to proceed.
✪ Please generate the acknowledgement for reference.
✪ Email notification will trigger to the mail address with your use ID and to create a password you will get a link (URL).
✪ With the copy & paste of link in new tab and set your password to login
✪ Then click save button
✪ The new password should be at least 6 characters including combination of alphabets and numeric.
✪ Those who are enrolling for first time for online registration, they have to remember the following aspects:
o ☞ Phone No. of the HM/Science teacher
o ☞ User ID
o ☞ Password.
o ☞ The above items should be recorded in the register or in the file meant for Inspire.
B. Online Nominations
After registration, the guide teacher and the student should prepare the write up indicating the theme of the project/exhibit, aims and objective of the exhibit, working principle, conceptual frame work, functional value. The write up may be shared with other science teachers, subject experts available in neighbourhood areas. The idea is to have wider consultation for grooming the ideas and improving it. The write up may be made DTP in English language in the word or pdf form and may be uploaded in the website of Inspire awards.
✤ After setting the password go to home page and to login to click here
✤ Click icon forward nomination to DA
✤ Click on students nomination button
✤ Then open school dash board button
✤ After filling all the information the format press view & edit button if user wants to edit the particulars of the students.
✤ After editing click on forward application.
Note :
❁ students bank details are compulsory for DBT.
❁ Uploading students photo, Aadhar Number
❁ Uploading write-up in word or pdf format is mandatory.
Last date of submission of Student Nominations for Inspire Awards MANAK is 31-08-2019.