TTWR FASET 2020, TTWR Fine Arts School 6th Class Entrance Test 2020 notification has been released on its TTWREIS admission portal. Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TTWREIS), Hyderabad issued the TTWR Fine Arts School 6th Class Entrance Test 2020 notification.
Applications are being invited online mode from eligible and interested students for admission into 6th Class With Integrated Coaching In Music (Sangeetham), Dance (Natyam) & Fine Arts (Chitra Kalalu) for the Academic Year 2020-2021 in Ttwr Fine Arts School (Girls), Jangammet At Boduppal, Hyderabad And Ttwr Fine Arts School (Boys), Kothur At Nadergul, Hyderabad.
As the TTWR Fine Arts School is a specialized institution and first of its kind in the education sector of the Telangana state, candidates from all over the Telangana state can apply for admissions.
Ashram Schools, Govt. Schools, Zilla Parishad Schools, Govt. Aided Schools and other Govt. Recognized schools are eligible for admission.
The Entrance Test (TTWR FASAT) will be in objective type. Only the meritorious students from the entrance test will be permitted to attend the Skill Test on the order of merit until filling up 80 seats. After Skill Test, the selected students will get admission into 6th class with integrated coaching in “Music, Dance and Fine Arts” along with all benefits which extended by TS Gurukulam, such as free boarding, lodging, Uniform, notebooks & textbooks, bedding material and examination fee etc.
Vacancies in TTWR Fine Arts School:
a. The 80 vacancies are available in class VI only for the academic year 2020-21.
b. The Vacancies in each Fine Arts discipline are as follows:
1. Music (Vocal & Instrumental) : 40
2. Dance (Kuchipudi & Kathak) : 20
3. Theatre Arts: 10
4. Painting & Drawing: 10
Total: 80
Note: The Secretary, TTWREIS is competent authority to modify the above no of seats in each fine arts’ discipline subject to availability of merit post the entrance test.
Selection Procedure
Selection Procedure for TTWR Fine Arts School 6th Class Admissions: The merit list will be prepared based on the academic marks obtained in 5th class 2019-20. Only 1:3 meritorious students from the merit list are permitted to attend Skill Test until filling up 80 seats.
After Skill Test, the selected students will get admission into 6th class with integrated coaching in “Music, Dance and Fine Arts” along with all benefits which extended by TS Gurukulam, such as free boarding, lodging, Uniform, note books & text books, bedding material and examination fee etc.
The Seats will be filled through two types of screening tests in TTWR FAS CET 2020, mentioned below, for securing admissions in Class 6.
Screening Test A: No written exam for this year on academic subjects of class V
Screening Test B: A skill test in Fine Arts (Discipline wise).
Eligibility Criteria for TTWR Fine Arts School Admissions:
The students (Girls & Boys) who appeared/passed for class V examination from any recognised school for the academic year 2019-2020 are eligible to write the TTWRS Fine Arts School Entrance Test and appear for Fine Arts’ skill test.
The annual income of the parent shall not exceed Rs.2,00,000/- per annum (for Urban students) and Rs.1,50,000/- (for Rural students) as certified by the MRO. The students from Telugu / English media are eligible for this entrance test. The age of the students of all communities (SC, SC-C, ST, BC, Min, OC/EBC) shall not exceed 12 years.
1. They should be passed 5th class in April 2020 only.
2. Students studying in Telugu / English Medium are eligible to appear for the Entrance Test and the question paper will be English only.
3. Parental Income for the year 2020-2021 financial year should not exceed Rupees Two Lakh(2,00,000/-) per annum for urban and 1.5 lakh (1,50,000/-) for rural or as per the Government guidelines at the time of admissions.
Age Limit: The candidates born not earlier than 1st September 2008 and not later than 31st August 2010 are eligible.
The date of birth accepted by the Gurukulam is that entered in the Study Certificate or Transfer Certificate (T.C.). These certificates are required to be submitted only after the declaration of the result of the written part of the examination. No other document relating to age like horoscopes, affidavits, birth extracts from Municipal Corporation, service records and the like will be accepted.
NOTE: Candidates should note that once a date of birth has been claimed by them and entered in the records for the purpose of admission to an Examination, no change will be allowed subsequently or at any subsequent examination on any ground whatsoever.
Necessary certificates:
The admission for the selected students would be confirmed only after submitting following certificates in original along with one set of Xerox copies at the time of admission.
Selected candidates have to produce necessary certificates like
a. Caste certificate,
b. Income certificate,
c. Aadhaar Card.,
d. Study Certificate,
e. T.C./Record Sheet (Class-V)
f. Medical Fitness Certificate (from not less than Assistant Civil Surgeon),
g. (06) Passport size photos at the time of admission.
TTWR Fine Arts School 6th Class Entrance Test:
a. The Entrance Test will consist of Multiple Choice Questions for 100 marks. Telugu (20 marks), English (20 marks), Mathematics (20 marks), Science (20 marks) and Social Studies (20 marks). Each question carries one mark. Correct answers should be bubbled in OMR Sheet.
b. The question paper will be prepared from the basics of 5th class (Telugu, English and given optional subjects).
The vacancies for filling up 80 seats in 6th class in each school are as follows…
Total Seats:80
OC (Open CompeTition): 5 Seats
BC: 5 Seats
SC: 5 Seats
A minority (Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains etc: 5 Seats
ST: 58 Seats
Gklm Employees Quota: 1 Seat
Lambadi: 35 Seats
Sports Quota: 1 Seat
Koya: 7 Seats
Gond/Naikpod: 5 Seats
Yerukala: 2 Seats
PVTGs(Konda Reddy,Kolam,Chenchu,Thoti): 4 Seats
All other ST Sub Tribes: 5 Seats
Note: Any vacancies of OC, BC, SC, Minority, Gurukulam Employees Quota, Sports Quota and vacancies in ST Sub-tribes will be filled up by ST students only as per General ST merit.
How to Apply:
Candidates may apply through online mode only at ttwreis official website
TTWREIS Fine Arts 6th Class Admission Schedule
Activity | Schedule |
Date of Notification | 25.07.2020 |
Last date for receipt of the applications (online) | 16.08.2020 |
Announcement of 1:3 ratio merit list through website | 21.08.2020 |
Date of Skill Test | 24.08.2020 |